Certified Breathwork Instructor Training

Start Date: Sat 1st March 2025 €395
This certified authentic breathwork instructor course gives you the knowledge and skills you need to share the life-changing gift of breathwork with others. It introduces you to the most important ancient pranayama breathwork techniques, how to best use and implement them for improved health, happiness, and vitality, and the skills you need to teach breathwork properly and safely.
1. Learn how to use authentic and original breathwork techniques to reduce stress & anxiety, improve mental clarity, boost energy & the immune system, & achieve life goals.
2. Learn how to properly and safely teach authentic breathing techniques to your clients, students, and colleagues.
3. Be an inspiration to others.
3. Improve your life and the lives of others and make the world a more peaceful and happier place through the power of ancient breathwork.
Based on the authentic and original teachings of pranayama breathwork, this carefully-crafted certified breathwork instructor course explains, shows, and guides you through the phenomenal power of the breath and its ability to: transform health and wellbeing; cleanse mind and body; improve mood; reduce stress, anxiety, and depression; increase energy levels; boost the immune system; and instil contentment, confidence, and happiness.
Who’s the course for?
The course is for anyone who would like to learn and benefit from authentic ancient pranayama breathwork practice, and who wants to be able to unlock the potential in themselves and others. You may:
- be an entrepreneur, team leader, or original thinker;
- teach or be involved in the creative or performing arts;
- work in alternative or traditional health and wellness;
- be a hypnotherapist, acupuncturist, or herbal medicine practitioner;
- teach yoga, Pilates, or meditation;
- be a medical doctor, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, osteopath, or speech therapist;
- work as a psychotherapist;
- practice or teach high-level physical sports;
- work as a performance coach;
- teach the Alexander Technique or other similar methods.
What will you learn?
By the end of the course, you will:
- Have a comprehensive understanding of pranayama breathwork: what it is: where it came from: why it is practiced; and how to practice it.
- Have an understanding of the science and physiology behind pranayama breathwork, as well as some knowledge of recent research associated with the health benefits benefits of pranayama breathwork.
- Know the main 8 pranayama breathwork techniques and why and how they should be practiced safely and most effectively.
- Know the proper breathing techniques (deep/slow/abdominal/full) to be used for each pranayama breathwork.
- Understand the importance of breathing rate, depth, and inhalation/exhalation ratios.
- How to imcrease the body’s tolerance to CO2.
- Have a good understanding of how each breathing technique relates to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
- Know and understand the importance of potential contraindications for pranayama breathwork.
- Be able to properly prepare the body for pranayama breathwork using movement, body awareness and visualisation, and simple breathing techniques.
- Understand the role of pranayama breathwork and specific breathwork techniques (e.g. humming breath; bhramari) in preparing for deep meditation.
- How to create pranayama breathwork sequences of different duration, for different types of people, and for different required outcomes.
- Know the four main pranayama bandhas (body locks), how and why they are used, when they should be used, the proper sequence of their application, and who should use them.
- Know the importance of food, sleep, nature, and other external factors that impact our body, mind, & state of wellbeing, and breathing.
- How to plan and properly and safely deliver a pranayama breathwork lesson.
- How to assess a person’s ability to safely take part in and complete a pranayama breathwork session.
A willingness and commitment to learn.
The course is divided into 4 weeks.
Week 1: The first week introduces you to pranayama breathwork (background, physiology, and fundamental breathing techniques), and the most important pranayama breathwork techniques. We particularly focus on humming breath (Bhramari).
Week 2: In the second week, we take a deep dive into the remaining key pranayama breathing methods, looking at what they are, why and how they are practiced, and their benefits.
Week 3: In Week 3, we learn how to properly sequence pranayama breathwork and fine tune each breathwork technique for different outcomes and individual requirements.
Week 4: In the final week, we explore the role of breathwork in the context of a holistic body/world system, and explore how breathwork fits into our everyday actions and life goals.
To pass the course, students are required to pass a multiple choice final exam, write a short essay (500 words), and successfully deliver a breathwork lesson of 15 minutes.
A certificate is awarded after successful completion of the course.
The course is delivered through live and pre-recorded online video lessons and workshops.
1. I can’t attend the live sessions. Is there another option? It is best if you can attend all the live sessions, as these include times for Q&A and you’ll get much more from the course if you can attend these session. You can still complete the course without attending all of the live sessions as you will have access to all session recordings.
2. Is there a payment plan option? For the full Breathwork Instructor Training you can pay over two instalments. Full payment must be made prior to the start of the course.
3. Are there any prerequisites for the course? Just a genuine willingness and commitment to learn and an understanding that learning and teaching pranayama breathwork is primarily about improving the world we live in and not about business.
4. Is it possible to change my start date? Yes. Just get in touch and let us know the details. There’s a €30 admin for changing your course start date.
- Pranayama breathwork preparation – body and breath awareness techniques
- Swara: subtle nostril breathing
- Chid shakti pranayama: energy awakening breath
- Abdominal breathing
- Full yogic breathing
- Swana pranayama: panting breath
- Pranava pranayama: universal energy breath
- Bahya pranayama: expelling air breath
- Kapalbhati: frontal brain shining/cleansing breath
- Bhastrika pranayama: breath of fire/Wim Hof style breath
- Viloma pranayama: interrupted breathing
- Surya Bhedan pranayama: piercing the sun breathing
- Chandra Bhedan: moon piercing breath
- Anulom Vilom pranayama: Alternate nostril breathing
- Nadi Shodhana pranayama: Full alternate nostril breathing/balancing and purifying the energy channels
- Sama vritti pranayama: equalising breaths (box breathing)
- Vishama vritti: uneven inhalation/retention/exhalation breathing ratios
- Ujjayi pranayama: victorious breath
- Sheetali/Sheetkari pranayama: cooling breath
- Bhramari pranayama: humming bee breath
- Conscious connected breathing
- Kumbhaka: breath retention (after inhalation and exhalation)
- Bandhas: body locks when retaining the breath
- Udgeeth pranayama: AUM chanting
6. How much time do I need to spend each week to successfully complete this course? To successfully complete this course, it is important you not only have excellent knowledge of all the breathwork techniques, what they are, why they are used, and how to practice and teach them: you also need to work hard at developing your own practice. This is essential for you to be a good teacher. Breathwork is something that you need to know in your body, not just your mind, and this requires commitment and regular practice. Over the 4-week period, you should spend at least 1.5 hours a day doing pranayama breathwork. You will also need to keep regular journal records, and watch and take part in pre-recorded and live sessions.
7. Where will I find the course materials? When you book the course, you will automatically be given a Yoga50 account. Login in and go to your profile page. Here you will find details of your courses and be able to access the Yoga50 digital learning platform. The digital learning platform contains all of the course materials and can be access 24/7.
8. How long will I have access to the course materials? You will have access to the course materials for 12 months.
9. The course seems quite cheap. Why is this? I have decided to price the course so it is as accessible as possible to as many people as possible, while at the same time being financially viable. Teaching pranayama breathwork should not be about making money, but about trying to improve the world we live in.
10. When and how do I receive my certificate of completion? You will need to successfully complete all the course requirements to receive a certificate of completion. This includes passing a multi-choice exam, writing a 500-word essay, and delivering a 15-minute breathwork lesson. Certificates are emailed automatically once all the course requirements have been fulfilled
Start your journey
Change the way you breathe and dramatically improve your life and the lives of others