Reject Middle Age.

Return to Your Primal State of Breath & Watch Your Kite Soar

Live Longer. Be Happier. Be Healthier. 



Reject Middle Age.

Live Longer. Be Happier. Be Healthier. 



Believe you can

At the age of 50 and after a number of serious health issues, I properly took up yoga (hatha, physical; and pranayama, breathing), changed my diet to plant centric, gave up alcohol, started taking cold baths, and consciously changed my outlook on life. This had a profound and positive impact on both my mental and physical health, and gave me an inner strength that I never thought possible. After leaving an academic career at the age of 42 due to stress & ill-health, I thought my life was over. I am now 52 and my kite is soaring. Why? Because of the changes I have made. You too can do this. Just start with your breath.


#1, Breathe

At the core of successful change is conscious breathing. It has the power to transform your life as it did for me. Conscious breathing allows you to change your body’s chemical state at will, giving you energy, confidence, and inner strength and peace so you can live a longer, happier and healthier life. But this is just the beginning.


The Y50 Approach

The Y50 Approach builds on the conscious breath and is designed to bring your mind and body to their optimal, harmonious, and energised state. It uses a unique and pioneering 4-step method built on tradition and science (1/ Move & Breathe; 2/ Stillness & Immersion; 3/ Rest & Digest; and 4/ Be Kind to Your Tribe) to provide you with real results that last.


Move & Breathe

Moving and breathing are fundamental to the Y50 Approach and essential for opening up the body, connecting mind and body, creating heat and energy, changing the body’s chemistry, and moving it towards a parasympathetic-dominant nervous system.


Stillness & Immersion

Stillness allows us to see and feel the world as it is without our thoughts getting in the way. It provides the perfect foundation for immersing ourselves in nature and experiencing nature as it truly is directly through our senses. With a still mind you build inner strength.


Rest & Digest

Resting is crucial for all humans. This is not just physical rest: the mind must also be able to escape the stimuli of the modern world fed to us through news and social media. A rested and well-fed body and mind is the foundation for happiness.


Be Kind To Your Tribe

The Dalai Lama said that health depends on a happy state of mind, and the source of happiness is compassion. Anger brings only harm. This is why kindness is a central pillar of the Y50 Approach, and why being kind to your tribe (that’s all living things you encounter in life) is so important.

Benefits of the Y50 Approach

The science behind each of the elements used in the Y50 Approach is robust, but when you put them all together the benefits are compounded and the effect increases exponentially. Expect reduced anxiety and stress; better sleep, improved immune system, and more energy; and increased confidence, focus, drive, and physical performance.

Reduced anxiety & stress, & depression

Better sleep, improved immune system, and more energy

Increased confidence, focus, drive, & physical performance

Online Courses

Powerful techniques to transform your life

Breathing: The Fundamentals

Learn the fundamentals of better breathing through simple and effective evidence-based techniques

July 2024 1hr/week

Live online and recorded (catch-up anytime)


  • Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Increase energy levels and inner heat
  • Up/down regulate
  • Boost immune system
  • Improve physical performance and stamina
  • Improve sleep

Move, Breathe, Meditate: Essential Skills for Living

Simple and straight-forward introduction into how to move, breathe, and meditate for improved health and wellbeing.

Available Now

Access anytime via your Yoga50 account


  • Better sleep
  • Reduced anxiety and stress
  • Higher energy levels 
  • Immune system boost
  • Improved mood


If you would like a group/company workshop or would like 1-to-1 or small-group breathwork/pranayama training then send me an message. These can be online and in-person (Galway, Ireland), and in-person events can be indoors or outdoors. 

Get a free mini video class

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Creating positive change that benefits our world

Changing the way you breathe not only improves your own mental, physical wellbeing, and ability to manifest beneficial change for yourself. It affects how you interact with the world around you, and so creates a ripple of positive change that benefits friends, family, colleagues and others you may encounter.

Start your journey

Change the way you breathe and dramatically improve your life

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Advanced Pranayama Teacher Trainer (Candidate)

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