Pranayama & Breathwork Events, Courses & Instructor Training

Authentic practices to improve energy, health, & vitality and awaken true potential

Pranayama & Breathwork Events, Courses & Instructor Training

Authentic practices to improve energy, health, & vitality and awaken true potential

Pranayama & Breathwork Events, Courses & Instructor Training

Authentic practices to improve energy, health, & vitality and awaken true potential

Weekly Live Online Pranayama Breathwork Classes

Patrick runs 2 weekly online (Zoom) pranayama classes; Tuesday and Thursday @ 6.30-7.15pm BST (1.30-2.15pm EST). Tuesdays are for complete beginners or anyone who wants to recap. Thursdays are for those who are comfortable with easy-level kapalbhati, full yogic breathing, and humming breath (Bhramari). Classes are donation based (suggested 8-12 euro). Short Q&A at end of class. Book below.

Next Tuesday Class: 4th Feb 2025 @ 6.30pm BOOK NOW

Next Thursday Class: 6th Feb 2025 @ 6.30pm BOOK NOW

Zoom details sent 1 hour before start.

Upcoming Breathwork Courses

Yoga50 has two breathwork courses: Humming Breathwork Pranayama; and Certified Breathwork Instructor Training.


Humming Breathwork Pranayama Course

Humming Breathwork Course for Better Health & Wellbeing

Unlock the Secrets of Relaxation


Next Start date: Sat 1st March 2025

This course forms the first week of the Certified Breathwork Instructor Training Course. It introduces you to humming breathwork pranayama and gives you the tools you need to practice humming pranayama breathing for self-improvement, better health and vitality, and relaxation.  After successfully completing this course you are eligible and welcome to proceed to the Certified Breathwork Instructor Training course.

Prerequisites: A willingness and commitment to learn.

To book, go to the Certified Breathwork Instructor Training course page (click below) and choose the Humming Breathwork option when booking.


Certified Breathwork Instructor Training

A Comprehensive Breathwork Instructor Course

Share Health, Vitality, & Happiness


Next Start date: Sat 1st March 2025

This certified authentic breathwork instructor training course gives you the knowledge and skills you need to share the life-changing gift of breathwork with others. It introduces you to all the key pranayama techniques and shows you how to properly practice them for improved health, happiness, and vitality, as well as the skills you need to teach breathwork safely and effectively.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Humming Breathwork (included in first week of this course), and a willingness and commitment to learn.

To book, go to the Certified Breathwork Instructor Training course page by clicking below.

Learning Pranayama Breathwork with Yoga50

6 inter-related themes that work together to bring inner strength, resilience, calm, & peace


Pranayama is a term used to describe a group of ancient (>2000 yrs old) yogic breathing techniques (including humming breath). Research has shown that regular practice of pranayama breathing has many health benefits including lowering blood pressure, reducing stress and anxiety, and balancing  and stabilising the mind.


Breathwork is a modern-day term commonly used to describe several breathing methods such as The Wim Hof Method, Conscious Connected Breathing, Hylotropic Breathing etc. All of these modern-day breathing practices originate from the ancient teachings of Pranayama.

Humming Pranayama

Humming breath pranayama (Bhramari) is normally the final, and most important, breathing technique in a pranayama sequence. It is done just before meditation and instils a deep sense of calm. It is very effective in helping to withdraw the senses and encourage calm and relaxation.


Meditation is normally done after humming breath and involves a period of stillness and quiet to relax, observe, and let go of the mind and body. Meditation helps focus the mind, improve clarity, and can create enormous mental, physical, & emotional strength and wellbeing.

Yoga Philosophy

Yoga is commonly understood as a set of physical postures for mental and physical health. But it is much more than this: yoga is a philosophy for clarity, inner-strength, & self-realization. At the core of this philosophy is the study & observation of the breath through pranayama practice.

Qigong Movement

Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice of movement, breathing, and meditation. Qigong movement exercises in particular,  provide an excellent and accessible way for everyone to strengthen and open up the body in preparation for pranayama breathing.

Benefits of Pranayama Breathwork

Realise the benefits of pranayama breathwork and transform your life for the better

Greater resolve & inner strength

Improved resilience

Calmer & more confident

Reduced anxiety & stress, & better hormonal balance

Better sleep, improved immune system, & more energy

Increased clarity, focus, drive, & purpose

What the Science Says about Humming Pranayama Breathwork

There are many peer-reviewed articles that show that humming pranayama has significant benefits for physical, mental, & emotional health. Just a few examples of these are listed below.

Recent peer-review scientific research shows that practicing humming breathing: 

  1. reduces stress, levels, blood pressure, and heart rate; 
  2. improves cognitive function, attention span and working memory; 
  3. improves sleep quality; 
  4. helps prevent and treat mental issues associated with stress, anxiety, and depression; 
  5. has positive psychological effects on menopausal women; 
  6. and even improves the resonance characteristics and quality of singers’ voices (References 12345).

Creating positive change that benefits our world

Changing the way you breathe not only improves your own mental and physical wellbeing: it affects how you interact with the world, and so creates a ripple of positive change that benefits friends, family, colleagues, as well as other people you encounter in your life, non-human animals, and the rest of the natural environment in which you live.

Realise Your Potential

Expedition Retreats

Combining his passion for ancient culture, travel, and pranayama breathwork, Patrick will be hosting 2 expedition breathwork retreats in 2025. This April he’ll be heading out to Egypt and repeating a journey he completed 25 years ago almost to the day, including taking a 3-day felucca trip along the Nile. In October, he’ll be heading to the Siwa Oasis in northwest Egypt. If you’re interested in joining either of these breathwork expedition trips or would like to learn more, send Patrick a message (

Sailing the Nile Valley, Egypt, Expedition Retreat

April 2025 Dates/Details TBC

Siwa Oasis, Northwest Egypt Expedition Retreat

October 2025 Dates/Details TBC

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