5-Day Breathwork Challenge

5-Day Pranayama Breathwork Challenge


Benefits: Reduced anxiety and stress. Increase energy levels, and sleep better.

Duration: 70 minutes
Location: Online
Format: Video
Level: Beginner

This course introduces you to the most fundamental elements of pranayama in a simple and easy way. By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and skills necessary to bring your mind and body into a state of relaxation and calm. You will learn a carefully-crafted sequence of beginner-level pranayama breathing exercises that you can use to reset and upgrade your system and to improve your happiness levels.

Day 1: Body and breath awareness

Day 2: Kapalbhati

Day 3: Deep Breathing

Day 4: Bhramari (Humming Breath)

Day 5: Complete Guided Sequence

Start your journey

Change the way you breathe and dramatically improve your life

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